
Showing posts from October, 2020

Google for Education Teacher Center

 Looking for free technology training or resources to enhance your personal and professional life. Check out the Google Teacher Center . The center offers training courses from basic to advanced skills across all Google tools. Use these new skills and become a Certified Google Teacher  or dig even deeper and become a Google Certified Trainer or Innovator! Maybe you are just interested in learning more about a specific Google application? Then check out the Product Guides that provide tips and tricks from teachers as well as "how to's".  If that isn't enough, you can also access free resources and technology tools for teachers. Check out the Teach From Anywhere website to help offers teachers and families a huge variety of tools and tips to help you teach and students to keep learning.  Don't let your learning stop. Check out the Google Teacher Center .  Steve Stucky

Special Characters in Google Slides/Docs

 Have you ever wanted to insert that division symbol (➗) into a Google Slide or Doc? Well, it's time to look into special characters! The short tutorial video shows how you can even draw what you are looking for and "magically" your symbol shows up! Try drawing other objects like boats, cars or animals too. 

Zoom Live Transcriptions (closed captioning)

 Here's a  Zoom feature that transcribes your voice (closed captioning) automatically. Great tool if you need to make some accommodations for those who might have hearing or sound issues. Hosts can even save the transcripts. Check it out!

Need Wildfire and Climate Change NGSS Resources?

 Wildfires and Climate Change     Your students are probably fascinated by the recent wildfires around Southern California. Why not strike while the iron is hot? (Pun intended.) Integrate your NGSS with your ELA Common Core and what do you have... relevant and meaningful instruction that students find fascinating!               CASE, California Association of Science Educators, put together these NGSS focused lessons and resources during their latest symposium.            There are lessons for each grade level, progressions and resources. They even include anchor phenomenon!  CASE K-12 Learning Sequences .    

There Are Some Things That Don't Suck in 2020!

 Join us at 5PM Friday, October 16, 2020 for Season 2 Episode 4 of the PSD EdTech Coaches' Podcast. Things That Don't Suck in Education in 2020! Let's be honest, there are a lot of things that really do suck in 2020. In this episode we've turned to listeners to share what is going well in their teaching and student times together. We acknowledge that there are things to celebrate while at the same time realize there are things that are just not going that well. Thanks for joining in and don't forget to subscribe to this channel if you haven't done so already. We would love to hear from you. Please leave your comments.

Coming Soon!! Google Meet Host Controls...Turn Off Chat

This is in Beta right now but will soon be a feature for all. Here's a  quick tutorial on finding the host controls to toggle on or off the Chat features for participants in a Google Meet. Don't hesitate to click on those 3 dots (more options menus) to see what else you can do!

Getting started with the FREE Kami App

Kami app FREE version is your "Digital Classroom Hero". With scads of annotation tools right at your fingertips, you can have your students mark up articles, create with shapes, text and free drawing, and save it all to their Google Drive or add to an assignment in Google classroom. But to use the FREE version without getting those "upgrade" messages, make sure you follow the steps I have shared in the videos on this Kami App playlist .  If you decide you would like to see what the paid version has to offer, you can get a free 30 day trial using my referral code

Need Help with PSD Tech???

 So Many Helpful Videos     Please check out our Youtube channel - PSD Instructional Coach Ed Tech Channel . It houses so many helpful videos for teachers, students and parents!     There are How-to videos for: Mastery Guides Logging in to Classlink Taking assessments in Assistments  Changing subtitles in Youtube to Spanish Parent Square  Changing Name in Zoom  Benchmark Universe iPads ......And Much More!!       Use the subscribe button and have all of these videos at your fingertips!    

UPDATED!!! 9/24/2020 Classlink to Benchmark Advance on iPads

Students using iPads (in our district this means the youngest students) have been trying to access Benchmark materials via the "Direct Access" links that teachers have put into the students' Google Classrooms. The issue is that the students still need to log into Benchmark via Classlink and a vicious cycle ensues. The solution...assign the materials in Benchmark Universe, have students log into their Benchmark Dashboard and click on the assignments option to view the materials you would like them to access. The video below gives a brief overview. If you have questions, please contact one of your EdTech Coaches.   

PSD EdTech Coaches' Podcast Season 2 Episode 3

 Thanks to all who keep listening! Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube Channel too! This week is our attempt at a Top 10 List.  The episode shares some ideas to make ourselves better and more efficient during distance learning. Pay close attention to #1! Your EdTech Instructional Coaches are here for you. Feel free to reach out to discuss new ideas, ways to implement tech into your lessons and learn a few tricks and tips. This Podcast will Premiere Today, October 2nd @ 4 PM. Join Us! Visit our PSD Instructional Coach Ed Tech Channel!  “I give grace because I so desperately need it.” –  Lysa Terkeurst

Appointment Slots in Google Calendar + Sharing the Calendar on a Google Site

Appointment Calendars and Showing Them on a Google Site  Many have asked how to create appointment slots on their Google Calendars. Well, here you go. Plus, I show you how to get that calendar onto your Google Site so it can be easily accessed by others.  Steve Stucky