Smart Start - Edu Protocols

 Smart Start by Edu Protocols!

Jon Corippo and Marlena Hebern

     Start the year right and engage students immediately!

       Not only is Edu Protocols' Smart Start a dynamic way to get students thinking, creating and collaborating, but they are also easy for you to use!

       Check out these templates and let the students lead the learning. While using these Smart Start activities (a nice schedule is included, but click on the links), students will feel as they are a part of the learning!

       These templates, and the directions that go with them, can be reused ALL YEAR LONG, with many different topics, subject areas, and standards. 

        Give students the confidence to know what you expect and how to do it...all they need is the actual content. A real TIME SAVER down the road!!

         After you check these out...please see your Ed Tech Coach if you would like more advice with planning and applying these amazing, reusable lessons. 

Smart Start Distance Learning Schedule with Links


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