Sim Pandemic, Data Analysis and COVID-19 Lessons

     Data Analysis and Sim Pandemic

Click the image to go to the website!

"We are woefully under-preparing our students to successfully navigate the 21st century.  The mathematics we teach is rooted in the 1950s space race and offers little practical utility in the 21st century.  There is a distinct and widening gap when it comes to the skills and competencies students need in life compared to what is taught in schools." Stanford, Graduate School of Education    

    This is a free website, best suited for middle schoolers, to help them understand the statistics around COVID-19 predictions. It is very interactive and really highlights information they are seeing in the news. 

    Statistics and data analysis will be the most important aspect of Science and Math in the coming decades, not to mention addressing the Common Core Standards related to evidence and critical thinking. 

    Link to Pandemic Resources

    Link to Sim Pandemic COVID-19 interactive simulation


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