Get 'em to class/Zoom on time!

Tardiness to virtual meetings an issue? 

We need to grab the attention of our students in that first few precious minutes of our time together.

Try a short critical thinking activity that has no age limit and no inhibitors. Students will be motivated to be on time when they know you will be starting EXACTLY on time (do NOT wait a few more minutes for latecomers) and sharing for only a couple of minutes. 

☝Visit for math puzzles that do not have only one correct answer. Share the image and allow students to share their reasoning in the chat with a chat waterfall. Working with the littles? Have them unmute and share out their ideas. Here are two examples of WODB puzzles.

Which one doesn't belong? Why?

How about this one? Why?

✌Critical thinking activities are definitely attention grabbers. Even sharing a piece of art or an enchanting image can get their minds turning. Try a See, Think, Wonder activity. Turn it into a creative writing or group storytelling exercise. 
Image credit: Peter de Sève 
Slide theme:

Remember that the key to getting them in on time is NOT to wait for the stragglers. If they miss the starting activity/game today, they can be on time tomorrow and catch that one.



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