Make Videos for Learning Really Count!

 Make Videos for Learning Really Count!

    Do you love Ed Puzzle? Do you want your students to really focus on the content in the videos you post? Would you like to know whether students were really watching and learning? Well, here's your free and wonderful way to do that!

    Our district-purchased video library service, Learn360,  has a wonderful new feature. A quiz feature!

   In short, teachers can set the video to stop at certain sections and ask the student a question (Multiple Choice, Short Answer, True or False).  When that quiz is distributed via the unique URL, the student views the video and answers the questions.  The student can download a PDF with the results. The results are also emailed to the teacher.

Check out this video or this article for more information. Remember that you have an Infobase Learn 360 account with Palmdale School District with thousands of videos! Look for the link on your Classlink landing page. Or reach out to your district ed tech coach. 😊


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