Valentine's Day Ideas from Eric Curts - FREE!

 Valentine's Activities for Distance Learning

     How do we get students to engage their creative side during distance learning? Well, it's simply a matter of letting them loose on Google Slides or Google Drawings. One of our favorite ed tech bloggers, Eric Curts at Ctrl Alt Achieve has a few ideas.

     The magic in this is to let students play and create their own versions of these activities. Why not give them the template to get them started and then ask them to make their own version? Or you can go to Slidesmania and copy their template to give to students. 

     In addition, let your creativity shine. (We can all use a little release from the more mundane!) So click on the activity in his blog post below and Make a Copy when prompted. Now it's yours and you can change and modify it as you wish. Make a copy for each student in Google Classroom and voila, you have an asynchronous or Zoom activity that will challenge students and help teach them the tech skills they need now and in the future!

3 Googley Valentine's Activities for Kids


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