Black History Month is not only March! (?)

Why Only a Month? 

     We traditionally find a month in the year to honor and celebrate people of color (POC) and women's role in history and society. Why? Because even though our country is made up of many colors, cultures, backgrounds and points of view, traditional teaching and learning materials are often absent these perspectives.  
     For example, how many pages in a history text are dedicated to the details and impact of slavery or redlining and Jim Crow laws? How much content relates the contributions women have made to American and world cultures of today? Look for the references about native and aboriginal peoples and notice at how many points their perspective may be left out. How much do our students know about the conditions on today's reservations, the influence Hispanic culture has in our society or the conditions that migrant workers endure? How has racism towards Asian Americans shaped our communities and what impact has it had on stereotypes and implicit bias?

     More importantly, do our students see themselves in our content and curriculum? Do they feel our lessons are relevant to them and their lives? Why do we expect our children of color to rise above obstacles their white classmates will never encounter without complaint or reflection? It's easy for those of us standing in front of the classroom to think that we are doing it right and that today's textbooks are "fixed".  From our point of view everything may seem fine, but how often do we do the hard work of a deeper dive and truly walk in our families' shoes.

     I know that DEI - diversity, equity, and inclusion - are a new buzz word in education, but is it "flavor of the month" or is DEI a necessary conversation in a forward moving, future-ready education system?

     We'd love to hear what you think. What are the tips, tricks and resources you use to give voice to students and families in your class community? There are many lessons and resources out there. Email me and we'll share these on another post. 

Black History Month Should Be Every Month

It's February Silly! (Click It!)

~ Jeri  


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