Need Good Quality Videos? ICYMI!

Infobase Learn 360 New Videos!

     ICYMI (in case you missed it), our district has a subscription to an amazing library of videos and resources! Even if you didn't miss it or have been using Learn 360, they have recently added a bunch of new videos. 

     All of their library is student and standard friendly. Not to mention the resources that come with many of the videos. No ads, no weird "up next" videos...just resources to reinforce your lessons with the visuals that are essential to all learners. Or perhaps you want to add an embedded quiz into your choice of video (think Edpuzzle). It's all here, and more, for you to enhance and enrich your content and spice up your curriculum. 

     Contact your Ed Tech Coach for a personal tour and perhaps some fresh ideas or collaborative planning help!

Learn 360 New Videos


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