Gamify Your Classroom!!

 Do you have trouble engaging all of your students?

Try Gamification!

    Most of us struggle to engage those students who aren't excited about school work. But some of those same students love to play games and enjoy competition. Why not play to your audience and create some excitement for your students? In the meanwhile, you can exercise your own creativity.

    Check out this blogpost from Matt Miller and his guest blogger Jon Spike. 

Game design in the classroom: 8 steps to get started

    And if anyone wonders why you are investing energy and precious time into making this happen in your classroom, give them this link to some research: A desire to be taught: Instructional consequences of intrinsic motivation.

    Once you have set up a gamified classroom, you can reuse your games year after year...and you have a behavior management system embedded! Contact one of us to help you get started and support you in carrying it through. 


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