What do you do with your Asynchronous students?

 What should students do while they're not with you? Portfolios!

       Experts agree that independent, asynchronous work should include reviewing previous lessons, previewing upcoming content and practicing skills. But we can also assign more creative, reflective work as well. A project that is automatically personalized, differentiated and creative could be a portfolio!

    This is always a great time of year for student reflection and review. We have great tools in our district to make this easy and a great formative assessment for you. Perhaps have students use the Google Drawing app to reflect on the year and the year's learning. They can add text, images and create links to digital work they've done. Even younger students can have fun building their portfolio and seeing the growth they've accomplished throughout the year. The drawing tool is fun and photos of their work are easily inserted. 

    Even better, teachers can add comments and feedback easily on a students' Google Drawing specifically attached to certain items. Sharing with families is easy too. Create a Google Site and make a page for each student. You can include their Google Drawing and if they make changes to it, the work will be updated automatically on the site. 

    Google Classroom makes this easy. You can even give each student the blank Google Drawing or provide one with the instructions and expectations right in the document. Don't forget to open share permissions when you share their work with parents or post them on your Google Site. 

    Let us know what you think or if you would like a few tips for making this easy for you and your students!



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